Fantastic news - SSE files planning application for 4.1GW Berwick Bank Offshore Windfarm! Well done to all involved. Gondolin was delighted to support with this key project which has the potential to deliver up to 4.1GW of install capacity, making it one of the largest offshore opportunities in the world.
Gondolin supported ITPEnergised with the Environmental Impact Assessment and Civil Engineering design associated with the proposed onshore infrastructure of the project and included:
- Preparing the hydrology, hydrogeology and geology EIA chapter and relevant supporting technical appendices
- Surface water drainage design (including SuDS) for the proposed onshore substation
- Private wastewater drainage design for the welfare components of the onshore substation
- Provisional earthworks design for the proposed onshore substation
- Outline construction drainage design for the proposed onshore infrastructure
- Flood risk assessment for the proposed onshore infrastructure including the proposed landfall location, onshore substation and watercourse cable crossing locations
See below for our Earthworks Design and the Waste Water / Surface Water Drainage designs.