Civil Engineering & Environmental Solutions
Gondolin Land & Water provide a vast range of different civil engineering and environmental solution services throughout the UK.
The developments we support vary in size and sector, from smaller site scale projects (e.g. individual households) to large scale windfarms and hydropower schemes.
We provide support across the full project timeline.
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What We Do

Flood Risk Assessments
The Team at Gondolin have extensive experience undertaking Flood Risk Assessments across all Sectors in the UK, Ireland and internationally. The level of assessment differs from project to project and our approach is site-specific and commensurate with the scale of each project.
Our hydrologists are experienced in the use of industry standard flood modelling software such as TUFLOW, Flood Modeller Pro and HEC-RAS to develop 1D, 2D and linked 1D-2D hydraulic flood models and derive design flood flows using UK standard hydrological methods such as WIN-FAP, ReFH and FEH.

Onshore Renewables Infrastructure Design
The team at Gondolin Land & Water have significant experience in undertaking onshore renewables infrastructure design for wind farms and other renewable developments (i.e. Battery Energy Storage Sites, Solar Farms, Hydropower Schemes, Sub-stations etc) within the UK.
Gondolin primarily get involved in projects at the feasibility and planning stage, typically producing designs to inform EIA submissions, however we can also provide post consenting and construction phase design services and site support.

Sustainable Drainage Solutions (SuDS) & Surface Water Drainage
Gondolin’s Civil Engineers and Hydrologists have significant experience in the design of Sustainable (urban) Drainage Solutions (SuDS) and surface water drainage across all Sectors. SuDS are a legal requirement across the UK and are required for almost all developments.
We have provided a range of bespoke SuDs and surface water drainage solutions over the years for a range of developments from small housing schemes to 3000 plot masterplans and to service industrial, waste management and onshore infrastructure sites. The basis for SuDS design in the UK is CIRIA Report (C753) “The SuDS Manual” however local guidance and stakeholder guidelines also exist and should be referenced accordingly.

Wastewater Treatment & Drainage Design
Our senior Team have particular expertise in the design of Wastewater Treatment Systems and Wastewater Drainage for development sites. We have a proven track record in designing Wastewater Treatment Systems for rural developments or sites where there is not an option to connect to the public sewerage network.
Our designs are developed using industry standard modelling packages and are based on the latest industry requirements across the UK Nations published by the various Water Authorities and Regulators. We provide design services at Planning stages of development, post planning and consenting and at construction phase where we also offer our clients construction supervision to ensure Quality Assurance.
Gondolin Land & Water provides a wide range of civil engineering, environmental solutions and consultancy services and operates throughout the UK in a variety of sectors across all phases of development.
Client Testimonies
We ask our client for feedback on the services we provided. Take a look at what they've said.

"Gondolin have provided a comprehensive and efficient service for us and we are very happy with the work they have done. They have been open to a challenge and provide constant clear communication and feedback to ensure we are up to date on the progress of the work, answering any and all questions we have. We look forward to working with them in the future."
Kosi Carter
Environmental Planner
Muirden Energy

"Gondolin continue to be approachable, helpful, as well as being technically very experienced and solution-driven in the post-windfarm consent consultancy services they are providing."
Kirsten Rae
Project Manager
Scottish power renewables

"Gondolin always provide an exceptionally efficient service and have been pivotal to the speed in which we’ve been able to deliver projects to date. We trust their expert advice whole-heartedly and appreciate their refreshing pragmatism. We would never have an issue recommending their services."
Frances Nicholson
Head of Development
Harmony energy

"Gondolin continue to be approachable, helpful, as well as being technically very experienced and solution-driven in the post-windfarm consent consultancy services they are providing."
Kirsten Rae
Project Manager
Scottish power renewables