Expert Wastewater Treatment & Drainage Design for Development Sites

Our senior Team have particular expertise in the design of Wastewater Treatment Systems and Wastewater Drainage for development sites. We have a proven track record in designing Wastewater Treatment Systems for rural developments or sites where there is not an option to connect to the public sewerage network. Our designs are developed using industry standard modelling packages and are based on the latest industry requirements across the UK Nations published by the various Water Authorities, Regulators and Building Regulations. We provide design services at Planning stages of development, post planning and consenting and at construction phase where we also offer our clients construction supervision to ensure Quality Assurance.

This Reed Bed provides treatment to wastewater, using nutrient and water loving plants!

Comprehensive Water Monitoring and Site Investigation

Our Hydrologists and Hydrogeologists also undertake the relevant water quality monitoring / sampling, hydrometric installations and monitoring, dilution modelling, risk assessment etc to inform our designs and ensure the proposals safeguard the receiving water environment and are compliant to regulatory requirements. In addition, our Team would also typically design, procure and supervise Site Investigations to obtain detailed understanding of the local ground conditions to inform the design of infiltration-based wastewater treatment systems and enable key information to be gathered to undertake supporting Hydrogeological Risk Assessments.

Bespoke Wastewater Treatment Systems

Digital Rendition of a Bespoke, Nature Based Wasteweater Treatment System.

We support developers at all scales of development and have recently secured consents for high profile bespoke Wastewater Treatment Systems for ~1000 Population Equivalent sites. We have established relationships with Wastewater Treatment Plant suppliers who we involve at the early stages of our projects to ensure an informed and collaborative approach to our designs. We specialise in the bespoke design of ‘Nature Based’ Wastewater Treatment systems such as Vertical and Horizontal Reed Beds, Constructed Wetlands, Willow Beds, Field Drainage / Infiltration Systems etc and some examples are featured on our website. These systems provide enhanced levels of treatment to wastewater and provide additional co-benefits such as habitat creation, amenity value, carbon offsetting and biodiversity net gain.

To learn more about our Waste Water Treatment & Drainage Design expertise, please reach out to us using the contact form below.

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