Supporting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Gondolin frequently provide support for the preparation and submission of Environmental Impacts Assessments (EIA) across all Sectors with notable experience in the Onshore Renewables and Energy Transmission / Generation Sectors. Our support includes the preparation of relevant EIA chapters, covering topics that fall under the water environment and including related topics such as geology and peat. 

Gondolin's EIA Services

A picture of a meandering river for Gondolin's Environmental Impact Assessment page

Our Team are able to carry out all relevant related survey work and prepare technical appendices related to the EIA chapter in accordance with our offered services such as; Flood Risk Assessments, Private Water Supply Risk Assessments, Watercourse Crossing Assessments, Peat Management Plans, SuDs & Drainage Strategy Designs and Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystem Assessments. Gondolin work closely with the wider project team to ensure a holistic approach to the assessment is achieved and all interlinked environmental factors are appropriately considered.  

The Team also have extensive experience in providing Environmental Impact Assessment support at the feasibility stage and providing relevant input to screening and scoping studies. At the post-planning stage, the Team regularly provide support for the addressing of conditions, provision of environmental monitoring and construction supervision.

Get In Touch for Environmental Impact Assessment Support

Gondolin's team are well experienced in EIA support, if you'd like to know more about how Gondolin can support with Environmental Impact Assessments, use the contact form below or visit the Contact Us page. 

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If you'd like to find out more about Gondolin, or want to discuss a project, get in touch.
