Planning permission has been granted to a proposed development which involves an extension to the Stewart's Resort holiday park. This has been years in the making and we are delighted to have played our part and worked with such a committed project Team.

One of the early challenges identified by us was how to manage wastewater from the entire development site for a population equivalent of ~800 with no public sewers nearby, no large watercourses to enable a private system to discharge to, the site being located in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone and sub-optimal ground conditions for a conventional soakaway system...

The answer was to design a Nature Based Wastewater Treatment system to work in conjunction with a high performance secondary treatment plant designed by Viltra which will provide enhanced treatment prior to discharge to ground. The system includes reed beds, wetlands and willow beds and creates additional habitat, amenity value as well as significantly increasing local biodiversity.

We worked closely with the Team at Brindley to design the scheme and the visualisation package produced really brings this to life.

An application for a Complex CAR licence was submitted to SEPA in October 2022 and after months of detailed discussions and assessment of our proposals a licence was duly issued in Spring 2023.

We are very much looking forward now to providing construction design and site supervision services for the new development and the approved Wastewater Treatment Scheme later in the year / Q1 of 2024.

What else we've been up to:

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