Gondolin’s Hydrologists, Hydrogeologists and Geologists have a wealth of experience in supporting development projects located in areas of Peat. This is predominately associated with Onshore Renewables & Infrastructure projects located in upland areas (i.e. windfarms, hydropower schemes, electrical sub-stations etc). Our Team typically support developers at planning application and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Stage where in the first instance we would conduct Phase 1 and Phase 2 peat probing surveys to develop a detailed understanding of peat depths, characteristics and makeup across the site and inform the development layout evolution to avoid / minimise development in areas of peat where possible. If it is not possible to avoid excavation of peat to enable the development we would then develop Peat Management and Restoration Plans in consultation with stakeholders to set out measures of how excavated peat would be sustainably re-used on site and seek opportunities to restore areas of peatland within the site working closely with the project ecologists.
Or Team also have relevant experience in the design of infrastructure within areas of peat which includes ‘floating tracks’, watercourse crossings and development of laydown areas, compounds etc.