Gondolin’s expert Hydrologists and Hydrogeologists have vast experience in supporting developers with the identification and risk assessment of Private Water Supplies (PWS). This is a particular focus for onshore renewable / infrastructure developments which are typically located in rural areas away from populated areas, however can often be located near to isolated rural properties who rely on a PWS abstraction from a spring, borehole, river etc.
We support developers at the planning permission and Environmental Impact Assessment stages to firstly steer development away from potential interaction with PWS catchments, if this cannot be achieved then we would undertake a detailed Private Water Supply Risk Assessment (PWSRA) to determine if the supply could be affected. In the vast majority of circumstances our Team is able to demonstrate through detailed application of hydrological and hydrogeological modelling methods and principles that supplies would not be affected. Where it is unavoidable that a property’s supply may be at risk we would liaise closely with the developer and owner to agree and implement suitable mitigation measures and in certain cases assess and design alternative PWS solutions.
Our Team also has over a decade of experience in developing detailed PWS Monitoring Programmes at the pre-construction, construction and post construction stages to demonstrate to Local Authorities that the integrity of supplies has not been impaired as a result of any development.