Gondolin’s in-house Civil Engineers and Hydrologists have wide ranging capabilities in the area of River Engineering. This includes designing river restoration schemes, watercourse diversions, creation of flood storage areas and reconnecting floodplains, habitat creation and enhancement, erosion and scour assessments and mitigation, in-channel structure removals (i.e. weirs or culvert ‘daylighting’) and general river restoration design works.
We have all the relevant modelling packages to inform our designs and detailed knowledge of River Engineering practices / guides. Our River Engineering services connect a range of other Services we provide such as Fluvial Geomorphology, Natural Flood Management, Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Mitigation / Compensation Scheme design, Watercourse Crossing Design, Construction Environmental Management Plans and Construction Method Statements. As well as undertaking feasibility studies and detailed design / modelling work, the Team are experienced in securing EA Environmental Permits and SEPA CAR Consents for River Engineering works.
Our Team would then provide on-site construction supervision and support and Quality Assurance for our clients.