Gondolin were delighted to hear that planning approval was granted for the Keadby Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) development in North Lincolnshire earlier this year. We would like to congratulate PWA Planning and Harmony Energy and everyone else involved!
Gondolin's Role in Providing a Sustainable Drainage Solution
Gondolin Land & Water were appointed to integrate a sustainable drainage solution to this renewable energy project by preparing a Flood Risk and Drainage Assessment (FRDA) for the Keadby development.
Our initial flood risk screening assessment indicated the site to be potentially at high risk of flooding from fluvial and tidal sources related to the nearby River Trent. Modelling data provided by the Environment Agency was thoroughly assessed to determine the true nature of flood risk to the site and appropriate mitigations were proposed. After some extended discussions with the Environment Agency, they were happy with the assessment and proposed flood mitigation measures for the development.
Implementing our Sustainable Drainage Solution for this Renewable Energy Project

The Keadby BESS development area will be constructed to direct rainwater towards a series of trackside filter drains. These drains are placed to channel runoff efficiently into a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) basin. TThe basin itself is equipped to provide optimal treatment and attenuation of the water, ensuring it meets environmental standards before being released.
This holistic approach not only adheres to sustainable drainage principles but also guarantees that the site remains resilient against flooding during significant storm events, whilst ensuring no increase of flood risk to offsite receptors and ensures no deterioration of the water environment.
The Keadby BESS development area will be constructed to direct rainwater towards a series of trackside filter drains. These drains are placed to channel runoff efficiently into a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) basin. TThe basin itself is equipped to provide optimal treatment and attenuation of the water, ensuring it meets environmental standards before being released.

Drainage System Design for Keadby BESS
This holistic approach not only adheres to sustainable drainage principles but also guarantees that the site remains resilient against flooding during significant storm events, whilst ensuring no increase of flood risk to offsite receptors and ensures no deterioration of the water environment.
Gondolin are well experienced in providing sustainable drainage solutions for renewable energy projects, and we are always proud to play a part in onshore renewable / storage developments as they play a part in helping the UK reach net zero.
If you'd like to know more about us, or ask us any questions, visit out Contact page for details.